A humble preface...

What you may be about to read is not much more than a meditative and emotional text from the soul, mind, and body of a young artist. It's purpose is to share moments of enlightenment or deep struggle, questions, or simple reflections on art, recovery from codependence and God. Nothing here is authoritative or even scholarly... but it may be, I hope, thought provoking and helpful to some. Whatever IS not helpful is yours to disregard, as I do often when I encounter concepts that confuse or wound or do not ring true to my experience in this world. I welcome the trade of knowledge and the craft of intelligent discourse -- the cultivation of creativity and the constructive critiques that bring health and growth to ideas and efforts. Welcome.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How do they do it?

I have no idea how artists can regularly blog about their work AND make art during the same week. I think it's a lack of discipline on my part, but after I have an especially hard/tiring day, the last thing that might occur to me is to write about it. Not good. My blogging experience will be much less interesting because of this fatal flaw.

Speaking of flaws, I made the first major mistake of my career. It is said that one should always err on the side of caution, and I can officially say that this is especially true when working with children. An art magazine got circulated during a collage project at art camp this week, and it happened to have some very modern nude paintings in it. Why it didn't occur to me to check this magazine before handing out is beyond me. Anyway, it was my mistake, and some kids got ahold of it and saw the pictures. I had to apologize profusely to an angry parent, make a few phone calls, and talk to the director. Needless to say I felt terrible. The last thing I want for my programs is for them to be anything other than safe and fun.

It was a learning experience to say the least. :)