A humble preface...

What you may be about to read is not much more than a meditative and emotional text from the soul, mind, and body of a young artist. It's purpose is to share moments of enlightenment or deep struggle, questions, or simple reflections on art, recovery from codependence and God. Nothing here is authoritative or even scholarly... but it may be, I hope, thought provoking and helpful to some. Whatever IS not helpful is yours to disregard, as I do often when I encounter concepts that confuse or wound or do not ring true to my experience in this world. I welcome the trade of knowledge and the craft of intelligent discourse -- the cultivation of creativity and the constructive critiques that bring health and growth to ideas and efforts. Welcome.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I have been doing a whole lot of work -- started up therapy again with a woman who sees right through me and is really wise. I have come to known where I've fallen short, or where I've decieved myself -- but most of all, where I've underestimated myself and shortchanged myself. I am really proud and happy of my progress, even if I don't feel that way today.

Today, I am lonely. I am lonely for people I don't know. People I who I'm not sure even exist. I am lonely for a man who will love me the way I am, despite my battle with distorted thinking. Someone who I can partner with, who can remind me when I am a little crazy, who sees right through me, who enjoys my company and lets me know. Someone who will play with me -- I don't mean in the dirty sense, but in the childlike sense. Someone who is really enthusiastic about experiencing life with me. Witnessing new things and old miracles. Watching time pass, being silly, being serious, being sad.

I am lonely for family that is warm and compassionate and accepting. Family that cares about how I really feel and think. Family able to detatch and not take my ever move personally, and family who I am able to detatch from and feel independent of. Family that doesn't suck me in, tie me down, scare me, or make me angry.

I am lonely for my self - the self that prays every morning and night, who does her chores and isn't afraid to face the day. The self that is secure in her own self-understanding and love. She makes her own supper and does't depend on anyone do get things done for her -- all without exhausting herself. I am lonley for the person in me who can set boundaries and stick to them with courage and determination.

I am lonely for a friend who knows these things too. Who can see how hard it is for me, who pushes me but loves me too. Someone who doesn't try to fix it or change it, but is happy to see me overcome and conquer just the same. Someone with good ideas, imaginitive, again-- someone who will play. A friend who would rather talk about wonderful places and people than gossip about horrible people and uncomfortable, scary places. Someone who speaks the truth, but with kindness. A courageous, independent, positive, but sensitive person. Someone creative and awesome.

I want to be specail to someone, to be wanted, and to be cherished. I don't know why this is important to me, and I know that even when I have been that special to someone I have been too blind to even see it. So it makes me think that such a desire is worthless and silly, yet still I have it. Maybe I was right all along, and the one person who I believe did want me and cherish me didn't really, and it was about something alltogether different. Sick people tend to make friends with other sick people, so what's to say it was all my thinking and not his too? Maybe I'm just there to make him feel better, and while he appreciated it in his own way, it never was real love and I should have trusted myself from the beginning. Maybe I am just making all this up because I feel very sorry that I am not wanted by this person any longer.

You know, just a moment ago I was musng: "I wonder, I should ask him-- what could I do to get him to want me again?" And then I thought of my relationship with my mom, and how with all of my clever analysis, I have never been able to do anything to keep her love in the way I needed it. I realized quite quickly -- within five minutes or so, that this was unhealthy thinking and it wasn't about what I could do. It IS or it ISN'T - one of the few things that are black and white: someone loving you for who you are. There really is no inbetween.

I learned this from someone who I cared for once -- I didn't love him for exactly who he was, and tried to love him all the same. It didn't work, and he was able to share this wisdom with me: I'm hoping to find someone who I love like I love you, but who loves me back without exception exactly as I am." It shocked me at first, to realize that I hadn't loved him as he was -- and that trying to be more than just a good friend was really really really selfish, silly, and maybe a little codependent. I know his journey to that discovery was really painful, so I won't expect anything different from mine.

But the reality is: I am lonely, and I want to be loved.